Google Internet Mobile Techniques Tricks

Search Google in Mobile Phone via SMS

Don’t you have a multimedia mobile set ? Don’t you have browser or any other application to access internet in your mobile ? Are your currently presen in a remote location where there is no facility of GPRS, EDGE or 3G connection ? Then how to access Google in any of the above situations ?

How access Google by Text messages ?

Just go through the following instructions to know how to access Google by SMS.
  • Just write your keyword (regarding which you want to search), in a text message and then send the SMS to 9-77-33-00000
  • The above number will work for India only. USA users can send SMS to 466453.
Update: This SMS search does not work any more
  • Google will immediately send you back the search result. 
  • It does not require any internet connection. Even by using your old model mobile phone you can search for Google by sending text messages.
  • But an important to remember is, Google will only send you back the first website which comes at the top in Google search.
  • So you have to write some good keywords in the SMS which you are sending to Google. Only the appropriate keywords will give you the exact result which you want.
  • The following table will guide you what to write in the SMS in what situations.
Key Word Search Result
Define Pulchitrude It will show you the dictionary meaning of Pulchitrude. You can also search for other words.
Translate hello in portuguese Translated result of hello in portuguese
1 USD in INR Conversion between USD and INR.
Time: sydney Shows you the time in Sydnet Australia
news curiosity rover Shows the news about curosity rover
FB Gives the stock in NASDAQ, You can also search for other company. But you have to know their codes.
23%*7/2 Calculate the value of the expression
Weather Delhi It displays the current weather of Delhi. You can also search for London/Sydney
convert 3 meter to feet It converts the meter to feet.
Cricket Score It will give you the live cricket score.

I am presently searching for some more keywords which will help you in getting the appropriate result. In case of any problem drop a comment.

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