Every bloggers and site owners put a mailto button on their site so as to help their visitors to contact them directly via email. The common syntax to put a mailto hyper link is mailto:YOUR_EMAIL. When somebody clicks on such link, the default email client will open in the user’s PC with the address pointing …
Category: Tricks
Accessing Facebook when it is blocked (at school or office)
This article runs through a few ways of accessing Facebook whilst at work or at school. Though you should be aware that it is pretty difficult in most cases. The main reason is that you do not have administrator access to the computers or the network, so gaining backdoor access to these sites is not …
How to Make Your PC 4 Times Faster Than Before
Last Sunday while doing a JAVA project in Eclipse I saw my PC is running out of RAM. As you already know Eclipse IDE is a heavy tool, and when you open dozens of more applications along with Eclipse, your computer will act as the laziest machine you have ever seen before. This is the …
Using Google Search Operators for a More Powerful Search
Google Search Operators are like little men who control the search engine and tell it what to do. They’re the engineers of the Google search system. They influence precisely what results appear when you type a word or phrase into the search bar. You can find Google Search Operators in the advanced search section. To …
How to Keep an Export to CSV Option For HTML Tables
Whenever some historical or statistical data needs to be displayed on a webpage, we take help of HTML tables. But now-a-days it has been common trend that every webmasters or bloggers keep an Export to CSV option besides the HTML tables, so that the visitors can easily save the data in their local drive for …