When you type your username in any login page it is pretty readable. But when you type the password, the browser will never show it, rather some damn bullet symbols can be seen. Your browser is quite smart. For security purpose it hides the password field.But the browser does not do this of its own. …
Category: Did you know ?
Dec 21 is Coming Soon, Oh My God
11 months before we entered into the Judgement Year. Just before 3 days we entered into Judgement Month. And now countdown starts. Only 17 days are left to enter into Judgement Day. Oh My God, What will happen. Finally the date of horror came. I wanna say just two lines about my life. I stay in …
Create Folder With Name CON: Nothing is Impossible
(By Saurav Misra) We all know that we cannot create folders with name:CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 as they are the OS reserved names.But we can create above folders:Trick 1 (By using command prompt)Open command prompt (Start>Run>cmd) Type the …
How to Create a Speaking Calculator in Windows
We all use windows default calculator everyday. Some days before, I had written an article about some beautiful Calculator tricks for windows. But today I will tell you how to create a beautiful and interesting speaking calculator in 2 minutes. Although this article may not be very useful for your calculation purpose but still it …
How to Compare 2 Websites: Which Loads Faster
Today, technology is at its peak. It has changed our lifestyle, beliefs, behavior and everything. We visit hundreds of websites and blogs in a day. Sometimes we think about a site’s performance and want to compare a site with another. We try to compare them by speed. Today I am going to tell you some …