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Introducing Facebook Online Friends Notifier For Windows

Hey friends, since two weeks I haven’t posted anything, the main reason behind this is I was busy for you guys only. In past couple of weeks I was busy in developing a beautiful app and some other projects. Now I am ready with the app to introduce. This app does a very tiny job but holds a great value for you. It instantly notifies on your desktop when a new friend comes online. Is not it useful ?
About Geets App

How I got this idea ?

It’s not me but the whole credit goes to Geetanjali who gave me this idea two weeks before. She actually told me to create an app for her which can instantly notify about her friends who comes online. She was actually facing this problem as she was missing a lot of her old friends. Many of them come online but she was not able to catch them as she had a big list of friends on her Facebook sidebar. Hmmm…now she will never miss her friends and I also decided to publish this app in public as I felt it very useful for people.


How this app works ?

This app fetches your online friends with the help of Facebook API. You need to provide your Facebook App ID, App Secret and your user access token. Using the access token it makes an API call and fetches your online friend list. Your App ID and App Secret is never stored anywhere. They are just required to create a long lived access token which does not expire up to 60 days. Your access token is only stored in your computer in your document folder. The next time you open your computer it automatically reads the access token from that file and automatically notifies about your online friends.

How to set up this application ?

It takes only 3 minutes to set up the application. Follow below mention steps to start seeing who comes online.
Create New Facebook App
  • Visit Facebook Apps to create a new app
  • Register yourself as a Facebook developer. If you have already done that then ignore this step.
  • Click on Create new App–>Provide a name for the app, don’t change any other field click on continue. Your app has been created and you will be redirected to the app details page.
  • In the same page you can also get your App ID and App Secret, keep them with you.
  • Now visit Facebook Graph API explorer. Select your App from the drop down which you have just created and click on Get Access Token. Go to Extended permission and give the permission to friends_online_presence and click on Get Access Token.
  • Now you will get the access token copy it and open Geets App. Paste the access token, App ID & App Secret at their respective places, save them and you are done. Wait for 1 or 2 minutes to see the alerts.
Start the app automatically on PC restart

There is a checkbox in the app to enable or disable automatic running on PC restart. We recommend to keep it enable because by doing so you don’t have to start the application manually each time.

How to configure alert settings

Don’t worry, there is an option to configure alert settings. If you wanna see alerts only if some particular friends come online then you can configure that easily. In the menubar go to More–>Manage Exceptions to handle those scenarios.

How to make the app inactive for some time

If you are doing some important task and do not want to get any notification temporarily, simply open the app from the task bar or notification area and go to menu bar –>Status to active or inactive the application. Inactive status means it will not show you alert until you make it active.

When the access token will expire ?

If you provided your App ID and App secret while saving app details then the access token will not expire upto 60 days. If you don’t provide them then you only get a short lived access token which expires in 1 hour. After the access token expires the app will notify you to provide details again.

Hope this app helps you and you will like it, keep enjoying 🙂

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