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How to Always Win in Tic-Tac-Toe Game ?

Tic-Tac-Toe is very traditional but an interesting game. According to Wikipedia “An early variant of Tic-tac-toe was played in the Roman Empire, around the first century BC“. At present day every single person would have played this funny game at least once in his/her life. While surfing in internet I thought of publishing something funny and finally I decided to share the tricks How to always win the Tic-Tac-Toe game.

1. If you start the game

If you are starting the game then it is always advisable to put either at the center or at corner. Then also three situation arises. After you put at center the other person may put at any of the 4 corners or may put at other places. Lets discuss all the cases.
  • 1st case(You start at the center)

You are the winner ! ! !
You are the winner ! ! !
In both of the above case you are the winner because in the 4th step your opponent made a mistake. If in the 4th step your opponent would put at any corner, then it would be a tie.
  • 2nd case(You start at the center)
You are the winner ! ! !
In the above case you won the game because in the 2nd step your opponent made a mistake by putting at the edge instead of the corner.
  • 3rd case(You start at the corner)
You are the winner ! ! !
In the above case you won the game because in the 2nd step  your opponent did not put at the center which was really a blunder. If your opponent put at a place other than the center, you will be always the winner.

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2. If your opponent starts the game
If your opponent moves first, then he will definitely put either at center or at corner. If he doesn’t, then he is not following the optimum strategy. You have to remember only two things here.
  • If your opponent starts at center, you must put at corner
  • If your opponent starts at corner, you must put at center
You have already understood all the scenarios in step1(If you start the game). Now it is just the opposite situation. In step1 I have mentioned all the cases where the opponent was making mistake. Now its your turn. You have to be very careful so that you will not commit the same mistakes.
If you want to verify all the rules then click here.

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