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Yes/No Fortune Teller with LED Flash [Only For Fun]

Now you can ask your fortune to your PC. Just enter your name and a YES/NO question and wait for 1 sec. Computer will answer your question in YES/NO.
  • If the caps lock LED light blinks that means the answer is YES.
  • If it does not, then the answer is NO.
  • Computer will also give you this report in a notepad file.
  • Although you can ask any type of YES/NO question to your computer but I will suggest you to ask “am I fool?“, then see what your computer is replying you.
Enter your name here

  • Just enter your name in the above input box and press OK.
Enter your question here
  • Enter your question and press OK to see the answer.

How to do it ? 

    (1) 1st create a stop.bat file.

      To do this open notepad and write
      Taskkill /F /IM wscript.exe
      and save it in .bat extension. I will suggest you to save it as stop.bat.

      (2) Just copy and paste the following code in a notepad file and save it as .vbs extension.

      MsgBox "If light blinks-YES. If light does not blink-NO.", vbOKOnly, "Welcome to Yes/No Fortune teller"
      Name = InputBox("Enter your name here", "Name")
      que = InputBox("Type your question here", "Question")
      If (que = "" or name="") Then
      MsgBox "Sorry. Your name/question was blank", vbOKOnly, "I am confused"

      Set shellobj = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      shellobj.Run "notepad", 9
      wscript.sleep 1500
      shellobj.SendKeys "Name: " + Name
      wscript.sleep 300
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "Question: " + que
      wscript.sleep 300
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      wscript.sleep 300

      If (Second(Now) Mod 2 = 0) Then
      shellobj.SendKeys "Answer: YES"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      wscript.sleep 300
      shellobj.SendKeys "Caps lock LED light: Blinking"
      wscript.sleep 100
      wscript.sleep 200
      shellobj.SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

      If (que = "am i fool?") Then
      shellobj.SendKeys "Answer: YES"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      wscript.sleep 300
      shellobj.SendKeys "Caps lock LED light: Blinking"
      wscript.sleep 200
      shellobj.SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

      shellobj.SendKeys "Answer: NO"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      shellobj.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
      wscript.sleep 300
      shellobj.SendKeys "Caps lock LED light: Not Blinking"
      End If
      End If
      End If
      • Double click the file to open it.
      • If the LED light blinks then to stop blinking double click the stop.bat
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