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Five Best Alternatives For Google Reader

It was really a shocking news for all. Some people believed it and some did not, but the ultimate reality is Google Reader is going to shutdown from 1st Jul 2013. Although it is true that a huge mass of people are there who are not even aware of Google Reader but for a vast majority of internet users, it was really very painful moment when the demise of Google Reader was declared.  

It spreaded throughout the internet within a couple of hours like a live fire. Websites and forums flooded with questions like Why Google is going to shutdown this wonderful product ? Why Google could not able to monetize it ? Is there any other web based RSS reader which can replace Google Reader ?

Also see our RSS Search Engine to explore more feeds

Although I could not give the exact reason for the first two questions, altleast I have the answer to the third question. I found some web based RSS readers, which can satisfy your appetite for RSS feeds. Here is comparision between them.

5 best alternatives to Google Reader

1. NewsBlur   2. The Old Reader   3. Netvibes   4. Good Noows   5. Taptu


My personal choice

If a chance is given to me, I would go for Netvibes and Good Noows. Two things I liked in Netvibes are its cool dashboard and highly customizable settings. I liked Good Noows for its visual styles. It support a lot of cool layouts which will really impress you. I really loved its Front page layout and Twitter stream layout.

Hope this article will help you to find some good alternatives for Google Reader. Go to those sites and explore them. I am sure you will definitely get one which can satisfy your RSS appetite

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