This time I have taken for you some coding concepts. Many times we find that we need to eject the CD drive but we couldn't because either the switch to open it has been broken or the system has been hanged. But here is a very easy trick to open CD drive just by a …
Category: Tricks
Download your entire Facbook Profile in a zip file
Now you can download your entire Facebook profile in a zip file. Don’t you believe it ? But it is true. You can download your entire wall, all of your photos, all your friend lists and all your messages which you have received or have sent to somebody. You can browse through all of them …
Create a media player using Microsoft PowerPoint
Its an amazing trick. No software is required, no programming skill is required. Just using Microsoft PowerPoint you can now develop a beautiful media player. Just go through following steps to do it.Step-1 Open PowerPoint OptionsOpen MS PowerPoint.Go to PowerPoint button present at the top left corner.Click on the “PowerPoint Options” present at the bottom.We …
Watch STAR WARS episode IV in command prompt
Its really unbelievable but true. You can now watch the entire STAR WARS episode IV in your command prompt. No need of any plugins, no need of any software, no need of any programming trick. Just open your command prompt and watch the STAR WARS episode IV.Just go through the following steps to play this. …
Create A Web Browser Using Microsoft PowerPoint
You can now create your own web browser using Microsoft PowerPoint. No need of any programming skill. Even a layman can do this if she knows Microsoft PowerPoint. Go through the following steps. Enabling Developer tab Open your Microsoft PowerPoint and look at the top menu bar. Just do a verification whether the "Developer" tab …