Sometimes you need to forward some emails from one address to another automatically. Another situation may also occur, suppose you have 10 email accounts and you don’t want to open each accounts individually to read the emails. Now it is the time to forward all emails from other accounts to a single account so that …
Category: Tricks
5 Useful Computer Tricks You Must Know
1. Use of windows keyWindowsOpen start menuWindowsOpen start menuWindows+DShow desktopWindows+EOpen My ComputerWindows+LLock your computerWindows+MMinimize all open windowsShift+Windows+MUndo minimize allWindows+PStarts print managerWindows+ROpen run dialog boxWindows+TFocus the taskbarWindows+UOpen ease of access centerWindows+VTo paste the pure text without formattingWindows+1/2/3To open different tabs in taskbarWindows+Shift+1/2/3To create a new instance of the tabs in the taskbarWindows+plus signOpen magnifierWindows+f1Open HelpWindows+pauseOpen windows …
Facebook Hidden Tricks
Everyday we open our Facebook but still don’t know these tricks. These 2 are really interesting. 1. How to send someone’s photo in the chat box We always chat with dozens of friends everyday but still don’t know this. While chatting with somebody you can send someone’s photo in the chat. This is very easy. …
How to Insert an Inline Image in Gmail
We generally attach an image file with an email to send to somebody. But we can also keep an inline image within our message. It will be displayed along with the message rather than allowing to download. Inserting a inline image makes your email more beautiful and you can convey more information to your receiver. …
Useful and Interesting Computer Tricks
1. Rename Multiple files simultaneouslyYou can rename multiple files simultaneously. This technique is required when you want to assign serial numbers to files. No need to go to individual file to rename. Just edit the first file and automatically all files will be renamed.Select all the files you want to rename.Then press f2It will now …