Mouse is a very crucial peripheral device for a computer. Without mouse the computer will turn into a dumb box. We generally do left click, right click and scrolling with a mouse. But apart from this there are a lot of other interesting and useful utilization of mouse. Today I am going to share some …
Category: Computer
Create Folder With Name CON: Nothing is Impossible
(By Saurav Misra) We all know that we cannot create folders with name:CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 as they are the OS reserved names.But we can create above folders:Trick 1 (By using command prompt)Open command prompt (Start>Run>cmd) Type the …
Top 5 Memory Consuming Processes Running in Your PC
We do a lot of things with our PC like reading News, Opening Mails, Playing Videos, Making Presentations, Running Programs and a lot more. But we never wait for a process to complete to start another process. We start all of them simultaneously. And sometimes it creates problem, our computer may go very slow, it …
Convert Your Windows Clock into a Speaking Clock
We all know there are many application available for speaking clock. But you also know I am a crazy guy who always try to do something out of nothing. So I thought, how to turn your default windows clock to a speaking clock and finally I found a way to it. This technique may not …
How to Create a Speaking Calculator in Windows
We all use windows default calculator everyday. Some days before, I had written an article about some beautiful Calculator tricks for windows. But today I will tell you how to create a beautiful and interesting speaking calculator in 2 minutes. Although this article may not be very useful for your calculation purpose but still it …